Bible Studies
& Small Groups
Wednesday Bible Study
Our Wednesday Bible study for adults meets the first and third Wednesday of each month via Zoom at 7pm.
Young Adult Bible Study
Our young adult Bible study meets in person every other Monday at 7pm. The location is variable; we take turns hosting the study in our own homes. Our members include undergraduate students, grad students, postdoc students, and other individuals in their 20's-30's . Studies start with about half an hour of catching up over snacks followed by a time of study and prayer. Fellowship events are planned on a roughly quarterly basis. We welcome visitors!
Care Group
Care Group is beginning again. A new book by Max Lucado, entitled Help is Here Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit, has been chosen. Our first in person meeting will be on Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30pm at the home of Ron and Mary Schrotenboer. We typically meet the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of the month. If you are interested, connect with Ron, Mary, or Betsy for more details, including getting a book. We’d love to have you join us!
The purpose of care groups is to gather, enfold, and nurture people wherever they may be in their faith journey. We often study the Bible or a book of Biblical insight or encouragement, share prayer concerns, and enjoy getting to know one another better. Visitors are welcome to join at any time.
Small Group for Families with Kids
We have recently started a new small group for families with kids. This in-person group supports one another with prayer, communal devotional time, and support of one another in life and in parenting. If you would like to learn more information about this new small group, reach out to Pastor Annie.